This past weekend (starting Friday 17th June) I have been at BadLadz resort in Puerto Galera on the Philippines island of Mindoro, enjoying the #TMBAParty with a load of cool entrepreneurs & people interested in lifestyle design. Continue reading
This past weekend (starting Friday 17th June) I have been at BadLadz resort in Puerto Galera on the Philippines island of Mindoro, enjoying the #TMBAParty with a load of cool entrepreneurs & people interested in lifestyle design. Continue reading
The quote in the title is what I saw written across the back of a guys hoodie this morning while riding my scooter, on my way to get some breakfast.
“You’re right, engrish speaking hoodie sign printer, I won’t be sad again from here on out, I do only live once”
I’ve been in Indonesia for over a month now, my first long term trip and I’m loving it so far. Continue reading
Just a quick note for any internet entrepreneurs reading this who are interested in partying with Dan, David, Dave, myself and a bunch of online entrepreneurs on June 18: we are hosting a summit at Badladz Resort (the best resort in puerto galera). Join in if you can, it’s gonna be awesome!
For those who don’t know me already, here’s my story told in highlight form:
Life for me really started in 2010 when I graduated from the University of Hull with a BSC degree in Marketing. Since then I have experienced a lot:
The stress of unemployment and trying to find meaningful work in a job market recovering from a recession (while living in the most expensive city in the world, London)
Budget living and eating so many peanut butter sandwiches I cringe whenever I see a jar of sunpat
Experiencing a ‘quarter life crisis’ and realising that I have no idea what I want to do with my life, while also realising that I can do anything with my life – the problem of unlimited choice!
The insatiable desire to travel and see the world and the depressing reality of not being able to afford a bus trip yet alone a plane fair
And finally overcoming several setbacks to find what I can only describe as the best, and last, job that I will ever have (it allows me to visit the beach you see in the above pic on a daily basis).
I now live and work in SE Asia as a hard working online marketing and web development intern of the tropical MBA program, but also as an entrepreneur learning from my peers and attempting to build my own lifestyle business.
To learn more about me, check out the about me page or my bucket list. Or you could just follow my blog (the RSS subscription link is up on the top right of this page). You never know, I might be able to teach you something.